Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance ProceduresPart No. 102916 S-100 • S-105 • S-120 • S-125 3 - 43January 2016B-20Test the Drive Speed -Stowed PositionGenie requires that this procedure be performedevery 250 hours or quarterly, whichever comesfirst.Proper drive function movement is essentialto safe machine operation. The drive functionshould respond quickly and smoothly to operatorcontrol. Drive performance should also be freeof hesitation, jerking and unusual noise over theentire proportionally controlled speed range.Note: Select a test area that is firm, level and freeof obstructions.Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in thestowed position.1 Create start and finish lines by marking twolines on the ground 36 feet / 11 m apart.2 Start the engine from the platform controls.3 Press the engine rpm select button until the footswitch activated high idle (rabbit and foot switchsymbol) is selected. then lower the boom intothe stowed position.4 Choose a point on the machine; i.e., contactpatch of a tire as a visual reference for usewhen crossing the start and finish lines.5 Bring the machine to top drive speed beforereaching the start line. Begin timing when yourreference point on the machine crosses thestart line.6 Continue at full speed and note the time whenthe machine reference point crosses the finishline. Refer to Section Specifications, MachineSpecifications.B-19Test the Drive BrakesGenie requires that this procedure be performedevery 250 hours or quarterly, whichever comesfirst.Proper brake action is essential to safe machineoperation. The drive brake function should operatesmoothly, free of hesitation, jerking and unusualnoise. Hydraulically-released individual wheelbrakes can appear to operate normally when theyare actually not fully operational.Collision hazard. Be sure that themachine is not in free-wheel orpartial free-wheel configuration.Refer to Maintenance Procedure,Confirm the Proper BrakeConfiguration.Note: Select a test area that is firm, level and freeof obstructions.1 Mark a test line on the ground for reference.2 Start the engine from the platform controls.3 Press the engine rpm select button until the footswitch activated high idle (rabbit and foot switchsymbol) is selected, then lower the boom intothe stowed position.4 Choose a point on the machine (i.e., contactpatch of a tire) as a visual reference for usewhen crossing the test line.5 Bring the machine to top drive speed beforereaching the test line. Release the drivecontroller when your reference point on themachine crosses the test line.6 Measure the distance between the test line andyour machine reference point. Refer toSection Specifications, Machine Specifications.CHECKLIST B PROCEDURES