60 Call forwardingAssign a destination phone number for callforwardingPrerequisite: At least one destination phone number has already been saved.Forward Press the key shown.The pop-up menu opens:The message:"Set forward on to" is displayed with the last forwarding destination used andyou are offered the following options:• Accept• Set a forwarding destination• Edit call forwarding• CancelSelect and confirm within three seconds.Three types of call forwarding are offered in the Settings menu:• Unconditional• Busy• No reply ({1}s)Select and confirm type of forwarding (here for instance Unconditional)Select and confirm a saved destination.Call forwarding is activated and the new destination is displayed.Settings Press the illuminated key to open the call display. If Any Call was activated, theforwarding destination is displayed with the forwarding icon and the Forward keyilluminates. The Busy and No reply ({1}s) types of call forwarding are not dis-played.Activate/deactivate call forwardingPrerequisite: There is already a forwarding destination configured for the rele-vant forwarding type.Forward Press the key shown.The pop-up menu opens:The message:"Set forward on to" is displayed with the number of the last forwarding destina-tion and you have the following options:• Accept• Set a forwarding destination• Edit call forwarding• CancelSelect and confirm the option shown.Choose one of the forwarding types offeredEdit call forwarding? f Uncond’l: 3339 l3336 f Uncond’l: 3336 lEdit call forwarding? f Uncond’l: 3339 l