- 92 - © 2020 unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.unitech is a registered trademark of unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.MS852B Plus User’s Manual3.2.10 UPC-ACode UPC-A On*Default All UPC-A SettingsCode UPC-A OffNote: To convert UPC-A bar codes to EAN-13, see Convert UPC-A to EAN-13.. UPC-A Check DigitThis selection allows you to specify whether the check digit should betransmitted at the end of the scanned data or not. Default = On.On*Off3.2.10.2 UPC-A Number SystemThe numeric system digit of a U.P.C. symbol is normally transmitted at thebeginning of the scanned data, but the unit can be programmed so it will nottransmit it. Default = On.On*Off