- 76 - © 2020 unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.unitech is a registered trademark of unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.MS852B Plus User’s Manual3.2.1.3 Codabar ConcatenationCodabar supports symbol concatenation. When you enable concatenation, thescanner looks for a Codabar symbol having a “D” start character, adjacent to asymbol having a “D” stop character. In this case the two messages areconcatenated into one with the “D” characters omitted.Select Require to prevent the scanner from decoding a single “D” Codabarsymbol without its companion. This selection has no effect on Codabarsymbols without Stop/Start D characters.OnOff*Require3.2.1.4 Codabar Message LengthScan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to MessageLength Description for additional information.Minimum and Maximum lengths = 2-60.Minimum Default = 4, Maximum Default = 60.Minimum Message LengthMaximum Message Length