- 79 - © 2020 unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.unitech is a registered trademark of unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.MS852B Plus User’s Manual3.2.2.4 Code 39 AppendThis function allows the scanner to append the data from several Code 39 barcodes together before transmitting them to the host computer. When thescanner encounters a Code 39 bar code with the append trigger character(s),it buffers Code 39 bar codes until it reads a Code 39 bar code that does nothave the append trigger. The data is then transmitted in the order in which thebar codes were read (FIFO). Default = Off.Off *On3.2.2.5 Code 32 Pharmaceutical (PARAF)Code 32 Pharmaceutical is a form of the Code 39 symbology used by Italianpharmacies. This symbology is also known as PARAF.Note: Trioptic Code must be turned off while scanning Code 32 Pharmaceutical codes.Off *On