- 68 - © 2020 unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.unitech is a registered trademark of unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.MS852B Plus User’s Manual■ Insert a delayEF Inserts a delay of up to 49,995 milliseconds (in multiples of 5), starting fromthe current cursor position. Syntax = EFnnnn where nnnn stands for thedelay in 5ms increments, up to 9999. This command can only be used withkeyboard emulation.a■ Discard DataB8 Discards types of data. For example, you may want to discard Code 128bar codes that begin with the letter A. In step 4, select 6A (for Code 128),and in step 5, select 9999 (for all lengths). Enter FE41B8 to compare anddiscard Code 128 bar codes that begin with the letter A. Syntax = B8.Note: The B8 command must be entered after all other commands. The DataFormat must be Required in order for the B8 command to work. If DataFormat is On, but Not Required, bar code data that meets the B8 formatis scanned and output as usual. Because the data format needs to be Onand Required for the B8 command, you must input data formats for allbar codes you wish to discard as well as all bar codes you wish to output.Other data format settings impact the B8 command. If Data FormatNon-Match Error Tone is On, the scan engine emits an error tone. If Dataformat Non-Match Error Tone is Off, the code is disabled for reading andno tone is sounded.