parameter descriptions vacon • 6224-hour support +358 (0) 201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com99.3 Frequency references (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P3)3.3 I/O REFERENCEDefines the selected frequency reference source when the drive is controlledfrom the I/O terminal.0 = Preset speed 0 - 71 = Keypad reference2 = Reference from Fieldbus (FBSpeedReference)API FULL & LIMITED:3 = AI1 reference (terminals 2 and 3, e.g. potentiometer)API FULL:4 = AI2 reference (terminal 4 and 5, e.g. transducer)3.4 - 3.11 P RESET SPEEDS 0 - 7These parameters can be used to determine frequency references that areapplied when appropriate combinations of digital inputs are activated. Presetspeeds can be activated from digital inputs despite of the active control place.Parameter values are automatically limited between the minimum and maxi-mum frequencies. (par. 3.1, 3.2).Speed Presetspeed B2Presetspeed B1Presetspeed B0If P3.3 = 0,Preset speed 0Preset speed 1 xPreset speed 2 xPreset speed 3 x xPreset speed 4 xPreset speed 5 x xPreset speed 6 x xPreset speed 7 x x xTable 9.1: Preset speeds 0 - 7