vacon • 151 Vacon 100 ApplicationTel. +358 (0) 201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212 20533.3.32 Group 3.20: Mechanical brakeMechanical brake control is used to control an external mechanical brake by a digital outputsignal. Brake open/close command can be selected as a function of the digital output. The sta-tus of the mechanical brake can also be supervised if a brake feedback signal is connected toone of the drive’s digital inputs and the supervision is enabled.Table 104. Mechanical brake parametersCode Parameter Min Max Unit Default ID DescriptionP3.20.1 Brake control 0 2 0 15410 = Disabled1 = Enabled2 = Enabled with brake sta-tus supervisionP3.20.2 Brake mechanicaldelay 0.00 60.00 s 0.00 353 Mechanical delay requiredto open the brakeP3.20.3 Brake opening fre-quency limit P3.20.4 P3.3.1.2 Hz 2.00 1535 Frequency limit for openingthe mechanical brakeP3.20.4 Brake closing fre-quency limit P3.3.1.1 P3.3.1.2 Hz 2.00 1539 Frequency limit for closingthe mechanical brakeP3.20.5 Brake current limit 0.0 Varies A 0.0 1085Mechanical brake will closeimmediately if motor cur-rent is below this value.P3.20.6 Brake fault delay 0.00 60.00 s 2.00 352If correct brake feedbacksignal is not received withinthis delay a brake fault isgenerated. NOTE! Thisdelay is only used if thevalue of par. P3.20.1 is set to2.P3.20.7 Response to Brakefault 0 3 0 13160 = No action1 = Alarm2 = Fault (Stop according tostop mode)3 = Fault (Stop by coasting)P3.20.8 Brake feedback DigINSlot0.1 1210Connect this input signal tothe auxiliary contact of themechanical brake. If thecontact is not closed withingiven time the drive willgenerate a brake fault.