Instruments and controls 109Illuminates when the engine isrunningStop, switch off engine. Vehiclebattery is not charging. Enginecooling may be interrupted. Thebrake servo unit may cease to beeffective. Seek the assistance of aworkshop.Malfunction indicator lightZ illuminates or flashes yellow.Illuminates when the ignition isswitched on and extinguishes shortlyafter the engine starts.Illuminates when the engine isrunningFault in the emission control system.The permitted emission limits may beexceeded.On diesel engines the cleaningprocess of the diesel particle filter ispotentially not possible.Seek the assistance of a workshopimmediately.Flashes when the engine isrunningFault that could lead to catalyticconverter damage. Ease up on theaccelerator until the flashing stops.Seek the assistance of a workshopimmediately.Brake and clutch systemR illuminates red.The brake and clutch fluid level is toolow, when manual parking brake isnot applied 3 216.9 WarningStop. Do not continue yourjourney. Consult a workshop.Illuminates when the manual parkingbrake is applied and ignition isswitched on 3 173.Electric parking brakem illuminates or flashes red.IlluminatesElectric parking brake is applied3 173.FlashesElectric parking brake is not fullyapplied or released. Depress thebrake pedal and attempt to reset thesystem by first releasing thenapplying the electric parking brake. Ifm remains flashing, do not drive andseek the assistance of a workshop.Electric parking brake faultj illuminates or flashes yellow.IlluminatesElectric parking brake is operatingwith degraded performance 3 173.FlashesElectric parking brake is in servicemode. Stop vehicle, apply andrelease the electric parking brake toreset.