Seats, restraints 63Status remains until the next change.Control indicator for airbagdeactivation 3 108.Child restraintsChild restraint systems9 DangerIf using a rear-facing child restraintsystem on the front passengerseat, the airbag system for thefront passenger seat must bedeactivated. This also applies tocertain forward-facing childrestraint systems as indicated inthe tables 3 66.Airbag deactivation 3 62, Airbag label3 57.We recommend a child restraintsystem which is tailored specifically tothe vehicle. For further information,contact your workshop.When a child restraint system is beingused, pay attention to the followingusage and installation instructionsand also those supplied with the childrestraint system.Always comply with local or nationalregulations. In some countries, theuse of child restraint systems isforbidden on certain seats.Child restraint systems can befastened with:● Three-point seat belt● ISOFIX brackets● Top-tetherThree-point seat beltChild restraint systems can befastened by using a three-point seatbelt. Depending on the size of theused child restraint systems, up tothree child restraint systems can beattached to the rear seats 3 66.