Storage 81Sports TourerFront and rear lashing eyes arelocated at the sidewalls. Fold up thelashing eyes to use and fold downwhen not required.Cargo management systemThe FlexOrganizer is a flexiblesystem for dividing up the loadcompartment.The system consists of:● adapters● mesh pockets● hooks● service box● strap setThe components are fitted in rails onboth side panels using adapters andhooks.Installation of adapters in the railsFold open the handle plate, insert theadapter into the upper and lowergroove of the rail and move to therequired position. Turn the handleplate upwards to lock the adapter. Toremove, turn the handle plate downand move out of the rail.Variable partition netInsert adapters into the requiredposition in the rails. Stick together thehalves of the net rods.To install, push rods together a littleand insert into the relevant openingsin the adapters.To remove, press the net rodstogether and remove from theadapters.