Lighting 137Pressing indicator lever onceswitches on manual high beamwithout high beam assist.High beam assist switchesautomatically to low beam when:● Driving in urban areas.● Reverse parking function isactive.● Front or rear fog lights areswitched on.If there are no restrictions detected,the system switches back to highbeam.DeactivationIndicator lever with or without MENUbuttonIf high beam assist is active and highbeam is on, pull indicator lever onceto deactivate high beam assist.If high beam assist is active and highbeam is off, push indicator lever twiceto deactivate high beam assist.Pushing the indicator lever to activatemanual high beam will alsodeactivate high beam assist.Indicator lever with f buttonIf high beam assist is active and highbeam is on, press f once or pullindicator lever once to deactivate highbeam assist.If high beam assist is active and highbeam is off, press f once todeactivate high beam assist.Pushing the indicator lever to activatemanual high beam will alsodeactivate high beam assist.Headlight flash in conjunction withhigh beam assistHeadlight flash by pulling indicatorlever once will not deactivate highbeam assist when high beam is off.Headlight flash by pulling indicatorlever once deactivates high beamassist when high beam is on.Dynamic automatic headlightlevellingTo prevent oncoming traffic frombeing dazzled, headlight levelling isautomatically adjusted based oninclination information measured byfront and rear axle, acceleration ordeceleration and vehicle speed.Headlights when driving abroad3 134.Fault in LED headlight systemWhen the system detects a failure inthe LED headlight system, it selects apreset position to avoid dazzling ofoncoming traffic. A warning isdisplayed in the Driver InformationCentre.Hazard warning flashersOperated by pressing ¨.