100 Instruments and controlsPersonalization by driver: Activatesor deactivates the personalisationfunction.Auto wipe in reverse gear: Activateor deactivate automatic switchingon of the rear window wiper whenreverse gear is engaged.■ Collision / detectionPark assist: Activate or deactivatethe ultrasonic sensors.Side blind zone alert: Changes thesettings for the side blind spot alertsystem.■ LightingExit lighting: Activates ordeactivates and changes theduration of exit lighting.Vehicle locator lights: Activates ordeactivates the welcome lighting.■ Power door locksAuto door unlock: Activates ordeactivates the automatic doorunlocking function after switchingoff ignition.Auto door lock: Activates ordeactivates the automatic doorlocking function after switching onignition.Unlocked door anti lock out:Activates or deactivates theautomatic door locking functionwhile a door is open.Delayed door lock: Activates ordeactivates the delayed doorlocking function.■ Lock, unlock settingsRemote unlock light feedback:Activates or deactivates the hazardwarning flasher feedback whilstunlocking.Remote door unlock: Changes theconfiguration to unlock only thedriver's door or the whole vehiclewhilst unlocking.Relock remotely unlocked doors:Activates or deactivates theautomatic relock function afterunlocking without opening thevehicle.■ Vehicle factory settings: Restorethe setting values back to thefactory default settings.LanguageSelection of the desired language.Text scrollSee Infotainment manual for furtherinformation.Touch beep volumeSee Infotainment manual for furtherinformation.Max startup volumeSee Infotainment manual for furtherinformation.System versionSee Infotainment manual for furtherinformation.DivX®) VODSee Infotainment manual for furtherinformation.