178 Vehicle care9. Connect the compressor plug tothe power outlet or cigarettelighter socket.To avoid discharging the battery,we recommend running theengine.10. Set the rocker switch on thecompressor to I. The tyre is filledwith sealant.11. The compressor pressure gaugebriefly indicates up to 6 bar whilstthe sealant bottle is emptying(approx. 30 seconds). Then thepressure starts to drop.12. All of the sealant is pumped intothe tyre. Then the tyre is inflated.13. The prescribed tyre pressureshould be obtained within10 minutes. Tyre pressure3 206. When the correct pressureis obtained, switch off thecompressor.If the prescribed tyre pressure isnot obtained within 10 minutes,remove the tyre repair kit. Movethe vehicle one tyre rotation.Reattach the tyre repair kit andcontinue the filling procedure for10 minutes. If the prescribed tyrepressure is still not obtained, thetyre is too badly damaged. Seekthe assistance of a workshop.Drain excess tyre pressure withthe button over the pressureindicator.Do not run the compressor longerthan 10 minutes.14. Detach the tyre repair kit. Pushcatch on bracket to removesealant bottle from bracket. Screwthe tyre inflation hose to the freeconnection of the sealant bottle.This prevents sealant fromescaping. Stow tyre repair kit inload compartment.15. Remove any excess sealantusing a cloth.16. Take the label indicatingmaximum permitted speed fromthe sealant bottle and affix in thedriver's field of view.17. Continue driving immediately sothat sealant is evenly distributedin the tyre. After driving approx.6 miles (but no more than10 minutes), stop and check tyrepressure. Screw compressor air