Instruments and controls 89Submenus are:■ Shift indication: Current gear isindicated inside an arrow. Thefigure above recommendsupshifting for fuel saving reasons.Eco index display: The current fuelconsumption is indicated on asegment display. For economicaldriving, adapt your driving style tokeep the filled segments within theEco area. The more segments arefilled, the higher the fuelconsumption. Simultaneously thecurrent consumption value isindicated.■ Top Consumers: List of top comfortconsumers currently switched on isdisplayed in descending order. Fuelsaving potential is indicated. Aswitched-off consumer disappearsfrom the list and the consumptionvalue will be updated.■ Economy Trend: Displays theaverage consumption developmentover a distance of 50 miles. Filledsegments display the consumptionin 5 mile steps and shows the effectof topography or driving behaviouron fuel consumption.