Keys, doors and windows 21The setting can be saved for the keybeing used.Memorised settings 3 20.Unlocking and opening the tailgate3 22.LockingClose doors, load compartment andfuel filler flap.Press button e.If the driver's door is not closedproperly, the central locking systemwill not work.Central locking buttonsLocks or unlocks doors, the loadcompartment and fuel filler flap frominside the passenger compartment.Press the e button to lock.Press the c button to unlock.Fault in radio remote controlsystemUnlockingManually unlock the driver's door byturning the key in the lock. Switch onthe ignition and press the centrallocking button c to unlock thepassenger door, load compartmentand fuel filler flap. By switching on theignition, the anti-theft locking systemis deactivated.LockingManually lock the driver's door byturning the key in the lock.