649 Diagnosis, asset management and serviceVEGAPULS 69 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire47247-EN-150211Maintenance: Due to external influences, the instrument functionis limited. The measurement is affected, but the measured value isstill valid. Plan in maintenance for the instrument because a failure isexpected in the near future (e.g. due to buildup).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by theuser via PACTware/DTM or EDD.The following table shows the error codes in the status message"Failure" and gives information on the reason and rectification. Keepin mind that some information is only valid with four-wire instruments.CodeText mes-sageCause RectificationF013no measuredvalue avail-able– Sensor does not detect anecho during operation– Antenna system dirty ordefective– Check or correct installationand/or parameter adjust-ment– Clean or exchange processcomponent or antennaF017Adjustmentspan too small– Adjustment not withinspecification– Change adjustment accord-ing to the limit values (dif-ference between min. andmax. ≥ 10 mm)F025Error in thelinearizationtable– Index markers are not con-tinuously rising, for exampleillogical value pairs– Check linearization table– Delete table/Create newF036No operablesoftware– Failed or interrupted soft-ware update– Repeat software update– Check electronics version– Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repairF040Error in theelectronics– Hardware defect – Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repairF080General soft-ware error– General software error – Disconnect operating volt-age brieflyF105Determinemeasuredvalue– The instrument is still in thestart phase, the measuredvalue could not yet bedetermined– Wait for the end of theswitch-on phase– Duration depending onthe version and parameteradjustment up to approxi-mately 3 min.F113Communica-tion error– EMC interference– Transmission error with theexternal communicationwith 4-wire power supplyunit– Remove EMC influences– Exchange 4-wire powersupply unit or electronicsFailure