669 Diagnosis, asset management and serviceVEGAPULS 69 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire47247-EN-150211CodeText mes-sageCause RectificationS603Impermissi-ble operatingvoltage– Operating voltage belowspecified range– Check electrical connection– if necessary, increaseoperating voltageThe following table shows the error codes and text messages in thestatus message "Maintenance" and provides information on causesas well as corrective measures.CodeText mes-sageCause RectificationM500Error with thereset deliverystatus– With the reset to deliverystatus, the data could notbe restored– Repeat reset– Load XML file with sensordata into the sensorM501Error in thenon-activelinearizationtable– Hardware error EEPROM – Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repairM502Error in theevent memory– Hardware error EEPROM – Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repairM503Meas. reliabil-ity too low– The echo/noise ratio is toosmall for reliable measure-ment– Antenna dirty or defective– Check installation andprocess conditions– Change polarisation direc-tion– Use instrument with highersensitivity– Clean the antennaM504Error on andevice inter-face– Hardware defect – Check connections– Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repairM505No echo avail-able– Sensor does not detect anecho during operation– Antenna dirty or defective– Clean the antenna– Use a more suitableantenna/sensor– Remove possible falseechoes– Optimize sensor positionand orientationM506Installation/Setup error– Error during setup – Check or correct installationand/or parameter adjust-mentMaintenance