94 Connect Devices WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750750-666/000-003 4FDI/2FDO 24V/10A PROFIsafe V2 iParManualVersion 1.4.0, valid from HW/SW Version 01/01Capacitive behavior of interference-free I/O modules!Please note that interference-free I/O modules contain internal capacities thatmust be considered with 1 μF per module. If necessary, connect additionalresistors to the digital power outputs to discharge these capacities.Pos: 39.84 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Anschließen/Anschlussbeispiele/Sonderklemmen/Anschlussbeispiele 750-066x PROFIsafe/Anschlussbeispiele 750-0666/000-003 Hinweis: Ausgangstoleranzzeit nicht kleiner als Testpulsdauer! @ 10\mod_1304926664366_21.docx @ 72644 @ @ 1The value of the output tolerance time must not be less that the value of thetest pulse duration!The value of the Output tolerance time parameter may not be less than the valueof the Test pulse duration parameter. This is checked by the PROFIsafe I/Omodule during the parameterization procedure and a suggested correction isindicated by the PROFIsafe I/O module in the WAGO parameterization tool incase of deviation.Pos: 39.85 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1