100 Diagnostics WAGO-SPEEDWAY 767767-5204 MOVILINK® Interface (RS-232, RS-485)ManualVersion 1.1.0Table 56: Operating messages 1Pos. LED Color/Status Cause Remedy/information15 SBGreen and orange,flashing, 1 HzThe set substitute value isapplied to the module.Can be set by the fieldbuscoupler if fieldbus is missing.Check the fieldbus connectionand the status of the higher-level controller.Orange, flashing,2 HzThe module has detected theS-BUS.-Orange and green,flashing, 4 HzThe last module is beingdetected in the 767 node.Check the S-BUS terminatorand/or the S-BUS cables.Orange, flashing,1 HzThe fieldbus coupler isaddressing the module in the767 node.-Orange and green,flashing, 2 HzThe S-BUS parameters arebeing stored by the fieldbuscoupler.-Orange The firmware is beingupdated.All 767 Series componentsare being updated by thefieldbus coupler within thenode.Orange, flashing,4 HzThe module is attempting toestablish communication withthe fieldbus coupler.Check the power supply toupstream 767 Seriescomponent and/or check theS-BUS cable for damages.Pos : 44.5 /Serie 767 (WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Di agnose/I/O-Modul e/Betriebs mel dungen 767- 5xxx D IO Allgemein ( Pos. 15, T eil 2) @ 7\mod_1268637618295_21.doc x @ 52466 @ @ 115 SBGreen, flashing,1 HzThe module is in HOLDmode.Is initiated by the fieldbuscoupler. In DI mode, the lastinput values transferred to thefieldbus coupler are kept inthe process image. In DOmode, the last output valuesare retained.Green, flashing,2 HzThe module is in STOPmode.Is initiated by the fieldbuscoupler. In DI mode, the inputvalues are set to 0 in theprocess image. In DO mode,the output value is output as 0.Pos : 44.6 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungs elemente/---Seitenwechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1