WAGO-SPEEDWAY 767 Important Notes 13767-5204 MOVILINK® Interface (RS-232, RS-485)ManualVersion 1.1.0taken for the device, such as installation of an enclosure that is resistant tothe above-mentioned substance properties.• Electronic components fulfilling the ESD requirements according to the IEC61000-6-2 are integrated in the 767 device. As higher voltages may occur,under unfavorable circumstances, due to electrical charge in the field,discharge must be ensured before performing work on the 767 system.• Ensure that the potential equalization is correctly laid out.Pos : 16.18 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Wichtige Erläuter ung en/I/O-Modul /Sic her hei tshi nweise 767- xxxx_3 @ 7\mod_1267624103126_21.doc x @ 51676 @ @ 1• Keep all cables a sufficient distance away from electromagnetic sources ofinterference in order to maintain a high level of interference resistance ofthe 767 system against electromagnetic emissions. Use only shielded cablesat the necessary locations, and always observe the appropriate standards forEMC-suitable installations.• For the power supply and for the S-BUS, use only pre-assembled WAGOsystem cables, so the specified characteristics of the technical data can beachieved.Pos : 16.19 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Wichtige Erläuter ung en/I/O-Modul /Sic her hei tshi nweise 767- xxxx_4 @ 7\mod_1267623157545_21.doc x @ 51662 @ @ 1• Replace defective or damaged modules (e.g., deformed connections), elsefunction disruptions can occur in the respective fieldbus stations or nodes.• When laying any cables, make sure that you do not lay them within theshear range of movable machine parts.• For each activity, observe the corresponding personnel qualification in thecorresponding section.• Observe the marking on the front and rear side of the module.Pos : 16.20 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Wichtige Erläuter ung en/I/O-Modul /Sic her hei tsei nrichtungen 767- xxxx @ 7\mod_1268142379773_21.doc x @ 52055 @ 2 @ 12.3 Safety EquipmentAll 767 Series products are designed to meet the requirements of IP67. Thisincludes complete protection against accidental contact with electrical voltage andcurrents – even when wet.Pos : 16.21 /D okumentati on allgemei n/Gli ederungsel emente/---Seitenwec hs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1