3.7 Media Cut ModesThis function selects the cutting method for roll media.Standard Cuts the roll media to a standard size. The direction the document isto be scanned can be selected from either [Portrait] or [Landscape].Synchronized Cuts the roll media to the same size as the original, or to the user-specified reduction/enlargement value. The lead and trail marginsalso can be set up, in a range from 0 to 999 mm.210 mm is set as the cut length if the [Document Length × CopyPercentage] calculation is less than 210 mm.V a r i a b l eLengthCuts the roll media to a user-specified length of between 210 mmand 15,000 mm (See [Important] below ). The image on the copy willbe cut off if the cut length specified by the user is too small. A blanktrail margin will print if the user-specified cut length is too large.The maximum print length will differ based on the media width and the amountof installed memory.• The [Variable Length] default values for each media size can be set up using thecustom presets functions.Refer to the "Variable Length Preset" section in "5.3Setting up the Copy Features" for further details.• A [Variable Length] value cannot be specified when in the auto mode.Direction in whichthe documentis insertedDocumentLead marginTrail marginWhen margins are appliedSynchronizedDirection in whichthe documentis insertedDocumentVariable lengthVariable length