Regulatory Information340 Xerox ® AltaLink ® C80XX Series Multifunction PrinterUser GuideGermanyGermany - Blue AngelRAL, the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Labeling, has awardedthis device the Blue Angel Environmental Label. This label distinguishes it as adevice that satisfies Blue Angel criteria for environmental acceptability interms of device design, manufacture, and operation. For more information, goto: Gerät ist nicht für die Benutzung im unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld am Bildschirmarbeitsplatzvorgesehen. Um störende Reflexionen am Bildschirmarbeitsplatz zu vermeiden, darf dieses Produkt nichtim unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld platziert werden.LärmemissionMaschinenlärminformations-Verordnung - 3. GPSGV, der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 72dB(A)gemäss EN ISO 7779ImporteurXerox GmbHHellersbergstraße 2-441460 NeussDeutschlandTurkey RoHS RegulationIn compliance with Article 7 (d), we hereby certify “it is in compliance with the EEE regulation.”“EEE yönetmeliğine uygundur.”Eurasian Economic Community CertificationRussia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan are working to establish a common customsunion, the Eurasian Economic Community, or EurAsEC. The Eurasian EconomicCommunity members anticipate sharing a common regulatory scheme andcommon EurAsEC certification mark, the EAC Mark.