4 Fax/Internet Fax84 Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre/WorkCentre Pro 123/128 User GuideDTMF Method - ExamplesThe DTMF method uses combinations of special characters to send documents. Seethe following examples.• Remote Mailbox – Sends a document to a mailbox on a remote machine.• Polling – Retrieves a document stored in a mailbox on a remote machine.• Relay Broadcast – Sends a document to a relay station which in turn sends it tomultiple destinations.• Remote Relay Broadcast - Sends a document via multiple relay stations. The laststation broadcasts the document to the specified destinations.Basic Features - Fax/Internet FaxUse the [Basic Features] screen to select the basic features for a fax/Internet Fax job.For information on the features available, refer to the following.Next Recipient – page 79Address Book – page 79Speed Dial – page 80Keyboard – page 81Special Characters – page 83Internet Fax – page 852 Sided Originals – page 85Resolution – page 86Original Type – page 87Telephone number ofremote machine!*$ Mailbox number ofremote machine##\ Mailbox password \##$Telephone number ofremote machine!*$ Mailbox number ofremote machine**\ Mailbox password \##$Telephonenumber ofremote machine!*$#\ Relay SendNumber (RSN)of relay station\# Speed dial codefor firstdestination# Speed dial codefor seconddestination##$Telephonenumber ofremotemachine!*$#\Relay SendNumber(RSN) ofprimary relaystation\# Speed dialcode forsecondaryrelay station# Speed dialcode for firstdestination# Speed dialcode forseconddestination##$