89 - AppendixSCAN_DRV_CALIB_FAILBad image output.SCAN_DRV_LOCKEDCarriage lock effect.SCAN_DRV_ADF_COVER_OPENUser opened the ADF cover withoutjob execution.SCAN_DRV_ADF_DOCUMENT_RESIDED• Unexpected document residedin ADF.• User opened the ADF coverduring job execution.Copier error messagesSee below for error messages dis-played on the LCD when an erroroccurred during copying.Copier application errorCPY_12PP_ERRORTakPro scaling/CSC/Half Tone inter-face HW Error.CPY_FILTER_ERRORTakPro filter interface HW Error.CPY_INTERCHIP_COMMUNICATION_ERRORZR4110 and TakPro Intel Chip com-munication error.Fax error messagesSee below for error messagesdisplayed on the LCD when an erroroccurred when sending a fax.Fax application errorFAX_PCI_ALLOERRData delivers from FE to BE.FAX_IMGPIERRFax Tx/Rx image data process flow.Fax driver errorFAX_NO_DIALTONENo dial tone on the phone line.FAX_NO_CARRIERNo carrier on the phone line.System error messagesSee below for explanations of systemerror messages displayed on theLCD when an error occurred.System reportREP_PARAM_GET_ERRORGet wrong parameters from othermodules.REP_BUFFER_GET_ERRORNo available buffer for system report.REP_LOG_HISTORY_ERRORPrinting log history when there aremore then 20 records.