27- PrintingPrintingThis chapter explains the basic flowwhen printing from application soft-ware in a Windows environment.(The procedure may differ accordingto the computer or system configura-tion used.)Printing a documentTo print a document from the com-puter:1. From the [File] menu of the appli-cation software, select [Print].2. Select the DocuPrint C2090 FSas the printer to be used. To usethe various print features of thisprinter, display the properties ofthe printer, and set the necessaryitems. For details on each itemand how to configure the settings,refer to the Online Help for theprint driver.Important:• Do not switch off the power of thisprinter when printing is inprogress. It may lead to paperjam.• When printing with a different typeof paper, configure the paper typecorrectly on the [Paper Tray Set-tings] on the [Tray/Output] tab ofthe print driver.There are two ways to display OnlineHelp for the print driver:• Click [?], followed by the item youwant to know more about. Theexplanation for the item is dis-played.• Click [Help]. The [Help] windowis displayed.To print a document from the controlpanel:1. Select function form thecontrol panel.2. Press the button to startprinting.Cancelling printingTo cancel printing, you can cancelthe job either at this MFP or at thecomputer.Cancelling printing of databeing printed or received atthe printerPress the button on the con-trol panel. However, pages beingprinter at the moment will continue tobe printed.Cancelling printing databeing processed at thecomputerDouble-click the printer icon atthe bottom right of the taskbar inWindows.From the displayed print status win-dow, click the document name youwish to delete. Click [Document]and choose [Cancel] in the dropdown menu to cancel the printing job. PreviousNext |