87 - AppendixWeb server upgrade1. Make sure DocuPrint C2090 FSis connected to your network.2. Go to the DocuPrint C2090 FSproduct web configuration web-site.3. Select [Upgrade Firmware]from the [Maintenance Tool].4. Download the upgrade Firm-ware software from the servicewebsite or get a copy of theupgrade software from the ser-vice person to your local PC.5. Click [Upgrade] and selectsetup.exe to install the upgradesoftware.6. The latest version of the softwarefor DocuPrint C2090 FS is down-loaded and upgraded automati-cally.Note:Please note that the communicationcost will be borne by the customers.Status and errormessagesThis section lists error messages dis-played on the LCD when an erroroccurred during printing, scanning, orfax operation.Printer error messagesSee below for error messages dis-played when an error occurred dur-ing printing.Printer application errorPRT_PAR_READ_ERRORCommunication error with engine.PRT_PAR_WRITE_ERRORCommunication error with engine.PRT_PAR_PIPE_ERRORTAKPRO internal error.PRT_PAR_SYNC_ERRORSynchronize error with engine.PRT_DRVERR_ERRORTAKPRO internal error.PRT_STS_NOPAPERNo paper in the paper tray.PRT_PFCREJT_NOPAPERNo paper in the paper tray whileprinting.PRT_USB_PLJ_PCI_TAKECannot get PCI sema from system.PRT_NET_MON_GETINFO