Problems using an SMB EnvironmentXerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre/WorkCentre Pro 123/128 System Administration Guide 151When there is no notification of errorWhen there is no message displayed on the client which has sent print request, thepossible causes, confirmation methods, and actions are as follows.When there is no notification of printer errorWhen there is no notification of the completion of the jobProblems using an SMB EnvironmentThis section explains what to do when a problem occurs while using SMB. The possiblecauses, confirmation methods, and actions are as follows. If a problem still exists afterthe corrective action has been performed, follow the Problem Solving Procedures onpage 145 to seek further assistance.When the machine is not found from client computers – page 152When printing fails – page 153When the document cannot be deleted from the printer window – page 153Cause Confirmation Method ActionThe user is not registered inthe Notify list of the printserver.Use NAWADMIN orPCONSOLE to checkwhether the user name orgroup name of the job isregistered.Register the user name orgroup name of the job.Cause Confirmation Method ActionWhen sending the print jobfrom the client, the NOTIFYoption is not specified.When sending the print job,check whether the NOTIFYoption has been specified.When sending the print job,specify the NOTIFY option.NetWareCASTOFF has beenexecuted on the client. – Execute NetWareCASTONon the client.When sending a job usingNPRINT/CAPTURE/PCONSOLE, the NOTIFYoption is not specified.When sending the job usingNPRINT/CAPTURE/PCONSOLE, check whetherthe NOTIFY option has beenspecified.When sending the job usingNPRINT/CAPTURE/PCONSOLE, specify theNOTIFY option.