4-20 Phaser 3140/3155/3160 Printer Service ManualGeneral TroubleshootingCommon PostScript ProblemsThe following errors are PostScript language specific that may occur when multipleprinter languages are being used.NoteTo receive a printed or screen displayed message when PostScript errors occur,open the Print Options window and click the appropriate selection next to thePostScript errors section.Condition Possible Cause SolutionsPostScript file does notprint.The PostScript drivermay not be installedcorrectly.■ Print a Configuration pageand verify that thePostScript version isavailable for printing.■ Install the PostScriptdriver.“Limit Check Error”message is displayed.The print job was toocomplex.Change the complexity ofthe print job.A PostScript error pageprints.Print job may not bePostScript.Make sure that the print jobis a PostScript job. Checkwhether the softwareapplication expected a setupor PostScript header file tobe sent to the printer.When printing adocument using aMacintosh with AcrobatReader 6.0 or higher,colors print incorrectly.The resolution settingin the printer drivermay not be matchedwith that in AcrobatReader.Make sure that theresolution setting in yourprinter driver matchesinformation in AcrobatReader.Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals