Spartan-3A DSP FPGA Family: DC and Switching CharacteristicsDS610 (v3.0) October 4, 2010 www.xilinx.comProduct Specification 46Digital Frequency Synthesizer (DFS)Delay LinesDCM_DELAY_STEP (5) Finest delay resolution, averaged over all steps All 15 35 15 35 psNotes:1. The numbers in this table are based on the operating conditions set forth in Table 7 and Table 36.2. Indicates the maximum amount of output jitter that the DCM adds to the jitter on the CLKIN input.3. For optimal jitter tolerance and faster lock time, use the CLKIN_PERIOD attribute.4. Some jitter and duty-cycle specifications include 1% of input clock period or 0.01 UI. For example, the data sheet specifies a maximum jitterof ±[1% of CLKIN period + 150]. Assume the CLKIN frequency is 100 MHz. The equivalent CLKIN period is 10 ns and 1% of 10 ns is 0.1 nsor 100 ps. According to the data sheet, the maximum jitter is ±[100 ps + 150 ps] = ±250 ps, averaged over all steps.5. The typical delay step size is 23 ps.Table 38: Recommended Operating Conditions for the DFSSymbol DescriptionSpeed GradeUnits-5 -4Min Max Min MaxInput Frequency Ranges(2)F CLKIN CLKIN_FREQ_FX Frequency for the CLKIN input 0.2 333 (5) 0.2 333 (5) MHzInput Clock Jitter Tolerance(3)CLKIN_CYC_JITT_FX_LF Cycle-to-cycle jitter at theCLKIN input, based on CLKFXoutput frequencyF CLKFX < 150 MHz – ±300 – ±300 psCLKIN_CYC_JITT_FX_HF F CLKFX > 150 MHz – ±150 – ±150 psCLKIN_PER_JITT_FX Period jitter at the CLKIN input – ±1 – ±1 nsNotes:1. DFS specifications apply when either of the DFS outputs (CLKFX or CLKFX180) are used.2. If both DFS and DLL outputs are used on the same DCM, follow the more restrictive CLKIN_FREQ_DLL specifications in Table 36.3. CLKIN input jitter beyond these limits may cause the DCM to lose lock.4. The DCM specifications are guaranteed when both adjacent DCMs are locked.5. To support double the maximum effective F CLKIN limit, set the CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 attribute to TRUE. This attribute divides the incomingclock frequency by two as it enters the DCM.Table 37: Switching Characteristics for the DLL (Cont’d)Symbol Description DeviceSpeed GradeUnits-5 -4Min Max Min Max