4 Start-Up Programming & Operation88 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP C710616 21C YASKAWA AC Drive - A1000 Quick Start GuideFigure 76Figure 76 Stall Prevention During Acceleration for Permanent Magnet MotorsSetting 2: Intelligent Stall PreventionWhen L3-02 = 2, the drive will disregard the selected acceleration time and try to accelerate in the minimum time. Theacceleration rate is adjusted so that the current does not exceed the value set in parameter L3-02.■ L3-02: Stall Prevention Level during AccelerationSets the output current level at which the Stall Prevention during acceleration is activated.• Stalling may occur when the motor is rated at a smaller capacity than the drive and the Stall Prevention default settingsare used. Set L3-02 as appropriate if stalling occurs.• When operating the motor in the constant power range, also set parameter L3-03.■ L3-03: Stall Prevention Limit during AccelerationThe Stall Prevention level is automatically reduced when the motor is operated in the constant power range. L3-03 setsthe lower limit for this reduction as a percentage of the drive rated current.Figure 77Figure 77 Stall Prevention Level and Limit During Acceleration■ L3-04: Stall Prevention Selection during DecelerationStall Prevention during deceleration can control the deceleration based on the DC bus voltage and prevent an overvoltagefault caused by high inertia or rapid deceleration.No.<1> The upper limit and default value is determined by the duty rating and the carrier frequency derating selection (C6-01 and L8-38 respectively).Name Setting Range DefaultL3-02 Stall Prevention Level during Acceleration 0 to 150% <1> <1>No. Name Setting Range DefaultL3-03 Stall Prevention Limit during Acceleration 0 to 100% 50%No.<1> Settings 3 through 5 are not available in OLV/PM. Settings 2 through 5 are not available in AOLV/PM and CLV/PM.Name Setting Range DefaultL3-04 Stall Prevention Selection During Deceleration 0 to 5 <1> 1Output currentL3-02Output frequencyTimeTimeDecelerationusing L3-22L3-27L3-2715 % of L3-02Stall Prevention level during AccelerationOutput frequencyL3-03E1-06Base frequencyL3-02