2. DIGITAL OPERATOR (jVOP-114) (Confd)* For overtorque detection (OL3), fault display or alarm display can be selected accordingto the constant (No. 40) setting. For details, refer to "OVERTORQUE DETECTIONFUNCTION" on page 124t For details of control circuit faults, refer to Table 1 9 "Details of CPF Display" on page 49Pr'- ~_iii to ~~ S indicate the contents of digital operator displayProtective Explanation Monitor FaultFunction Display OutputThe inverter output is stopped when outputcurrent to the motor is detected by theelectronic thermal in the inverter. Either aMotor inverter duty constant-torque specializedmotor or general-purpose motor can be v (OL 1) Operationselected. If more than two motors aredriven, overload protection should bedisabled. Use a thermal relay or thermalOver- protector for each motor.loadProtec- The electronic thermal operates by theton inverse time limit and the inverter output isInverter shut-off when 1056 or more of the inverter ,u L 2 (OL2) Operationrated current occurs.Overload capacity - 150%, 1 min.The motor operates according to operationOver- selection [constant (No. 40)] when thetorque inverter output current exceeds the o (OL3) OperationDetec- overtorque detection level.tion* This function is used to protect themachine or to monitor the output torque .External Fault When an external fault signal is input, zhe EF 3 (EF3)EPI (EF4)Signal Input inverter output is shuft-off. EF S (EF5) OperationControl Circuit The inverter output is shut-off when a r 4i rprrnnLr LrFault t transmission error occurs in the control to Operationcircuit or a component fails. r n r n rI r r LO-J-