t . VS-606PC3 INVERTER MAIN UNIT (Coht"d)1 .6 .3 Test Run MethodPOWERSUPPLY-oINVERTER606PC3Run by digital operator(Standard setting of model withdigital operator)This method is to operate theinverter by using the RUN (runcommand) key, etc . of the digitaloperator.Since this operation mode isset at the factory prior to shipping,operation can be performed onlyby main circuit wiring.For details of the operationmethod, refer to Section 2"DIGITAL OPERATOR" begin-ning on page 64.MOTORIMThe inverter can be operated i n the following two ways.The model with digital operator is set to "OPERATIONMODE BY DIGITAL OPERATOR" and the modelwithout digital operator (with indicating cover) is set toVr Li~ti 1 lkJll lV1kJliju- r'itkjj.Vl %..kill 1 1Xkjl_j V 1 1TERMINAL" prior to shipping.Run by control circuit terminal input(Standard setting of model withindicating cover)This method is to operate theinverter by frequency setter oroperation switch connected to thecontrol circuit terminal.To perform operation bycontrol circuit terminal input of themodel with digital operator, changethe operation mode to"OPERATION FROM CONTROLCIRCUIT TERMINAL" (No .01=0000).POWERSUPPLYINVERTER606PC3FWD SIGNALREV SIGNALFREQ.SETTERMOTORIMUjz92