Page 24 FT-450D OPERATION MANUALDIGITAL V OICE R ECORDERPREPARATIONS1. Press and hold the [F] button for one second toenter the Menu mode. The “ ” icon will ap-pear on the display.2. Rotate the [DSP/SEL] knob to select the menuitem “PNL-C.S”.3. Press the [DSP/SEL] knob to enable adjustment ofthis menu item. The “ ” icon will be blinking.4. Rotate the [DSP/SEL] knob to select “P/B” to as-sign the Play Back feature to the [C.S/VOICE]button.5. Press the [DSP/SEL] knob. The “ ” icon re-turns to appear continuously.6. Press and hold the [F] button for one second to savethe new setting and return to normal operation.RECORDING1. Press and hold in the [C.S/VOICE] button for onesecond to initiate recording. The “ ” icon willappear in the display to confirm that recording isin progress. The recorder will store up to 20 sec-onds of the received audio and then halt the re-cording. The “ ” icon will go out.2. You may halt the recording in progress, by press-ing and holding the [C.S/VOICE] button for onesecond.PLAYBACKPress the [C.S/VOICE] button momentarily to beginplayback of the recorded audio. The “ ” icon willblink in the display to confirm that playback is inprogress.ADVICE:You may adjust the playback level of the recordingwith the [AF GAIN] knobRECEIVING[F] button[DSP/SEL] knob[C.S/VOICE] button[C.S/VOICE] button[AF GAIN] knob