FTA-310 OperATing MAnuAl 35prIorIty dual watcH operatIonSimilar to Dual Watch operation (described on previouspage), Priority Dual Watch is an enhanced version whichincludes the following additional features: The receiving time interval (ratio) between the cur-rent channel and the Priority channel may be cus-tomized via Menu Item 09 “PRTM.” See page 49for details. Irrespective of which channel is currently being re-ceived, when the PTT button is pushed transmissionwill always occur on the Priority channel.Before initiating Priority Dual Watch, Menu Item 10“DWMD” must be set to the “PRI: Priority” mode (in-stead of “DW: Dual Watch”). See page 50 for details. To start Priority DualWatch, press the [F]key momentarily, thenp r e s s t h e [ S C A N( D W ) ] . T h e “ ”icon will appear on thedisplay. While receiving on the “cur-rent” (non-Priority) channel,pressing the PTT button oncecauses the radio to switch tothe Priority channel and cancels Dual Watch. Pressthe PTT button again to transmit on the Prioritychannel. When a signal is received on the Priority channel,reception immediately shifts to the Priority channel,the “ ” icon will blink, and the display will be-come illuminated unless the Scan Lamp Feature isturned off.While receiving on the priority channel, if youmomentarily press the PTT button, Priority DualWatch will be disabled. You may then transmit onthe Priority Channel. To stop Priority Dual Watch, press [F] [SCAN(DW)].