VX-8R O PERATING M ANUAL 121SENSOR M ODESELECTING THE M EASURMENT U NITS OF THE S ENSOR U NIT1. Press and hold the key for one second to enter the SetMode.2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 104: UNIT104: UNIT104: UNIT104: UNIT104: UNITSELECTSELECTSELECTSELECTSELECT.3. Press the key briefly to enable adjustment of this SetMode Item.4. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the preferred unit (°C°C°C°C°C or °F°F°F°F°F).5. Press the key to change the cursor to “BAROBAROBAROBAROBARO”, thenrotate the DIAL knob to select the preferred unit (hPahPahPahPahPa, mbmbmbmbmb,mmHgmmHgmmHgmmHgmmHg, or inchinchinchinchinch).6. Press the key to change the cursor to “ALTIALTIALTIALTIALTI”, then ro-tate the DIAL knob to select the preferred unit (mmmmm or ftftftftft).7. Press the PTT switch briefly to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.CORRECTING THE SENSOR U NIT1. Press and hold the key for one second to enter the Set Mode.2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 103: UNIT103: UNIT103: UNIT103: UNIT103: UNITOFFSETOFFSETOFFSETOFFSETOFFSET.3. Press the key briefly to enable adjustment of this SetMode Item.4. Rotate the DIAL knob to adjust the VX-8R display to thecalibrated barometer value.Note: The offset value appears in an “OFSTOFSTOFSTOFSTOFST” row.5. Press the key to change the cursor to “ALTIALTIALTIALTIALTI”, then ro-tate the DIAL knob to adjust the VX-8R display to the truealtitude at your current location.Note: The offset value appears in an “OFSTOFSTOFSTOFSTOFST” row.6. Press the PTT switch briefly to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.The VX-8R’s altimeter calculates from atmospheric pressure. Therefore, youmust perform the Barometric correction first.SENSOR M ODE O PTIONS