VX-8R O PERATING M ANUAL56MEMORY M ODE (SPECIAL M EMORY C HANNEL O PERATION)The VX-8R provides Special Memory Channels, which are made up of: 10 Weather Broadcast Channels. 281 VHF Marine Channels 89 popular Short-wave Broadcast Station Memory Channels.1) The Special Memory Channels are only recalled on the “A-Band”2) You may assign the Special Memory Channels to a Memory Bank. See page ?? re-garding Memory Bank Operation for details.WEATHER B ROADCAST C HANNELSThe VHF Weather Broadcast Station Memory Channel Bank has been pre-programmed atthe factory, for quick selection of NOAA weather information stations.1. Press the key briefly to set the “A-Band” to the “Operating” band.2. Press the key, then press the key, to recall the Special Memory Menu.3. Press the key, repeatedly if necessary to select the “WXWXWXWXWXCHCHCHCHCH” (thus recalling the Weather Broadcast Memory Bank).4. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the desired Weather Broad-cast channel.5. If you wish to scan this bank to search for louder stations,just press the PTT switch. When the scanner pauses on astation, press the PTT switch once to halt the scan, or pressit twice to restart the scan.6. To exit to normal operation, press the key, or press key followed by thekey.In the event of extreme weather disturbances, such as storms and hurri-canes, the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sendsa weather alert accompanied by a 1050 Hz tone and subsequent weatherreport on one of the NOAA weather channels. You may disable the Weather Alert tonevia Set Mode Item 111: WX ALERT, if desired. See page 160.CH12345CH678910FREQUENCY162.550 MHz162.400 MHz162.475 MHz162.425 MHz162.450 MHzFREQUENCY162.500 MHz162.525 MHz161.650 MHz161.775 MHz163.275 MHzWX CHANNEL FREQUENCY LIST