VX-8R O PERATING M ANUAL 159SET M ODE I TEM 99: TONE FREQUENCYFunction: Setting of the CTCSS Tone FrequencyAvailable Values: 50 standard CTCSS tonesDefault: 100.0 HzSET M ODE I TEM 100: TONE-SRCH MUTEFunction: Enables/Disables the receiver audio output while the Tone Search Scanner isactivated.Available Values: ON / OFFDefault: ONSET M ODE I TEM 101: TONE-SRCH SPEEDFunction: Selects the Tone Search Scanner speed.Available Values: FAST (2.5 tone/sec) / SLOW (1.25 tone/sec)Default: FAST (2.5 tone/sec)SET M ODE I TEM 102: TOTFunction: Setting of the TOT timeAvailable Values: OFF / 0.5min - 10.0min (0.5min/step)Default: 3.0min (3 minutes)The time-out timer shuts off the transmitter after a continuous transmission which is equalto the programmed time.SET M ODE I TEM 103: UNIT OFFSETFunction: Cariblating the Sensor Unit.Available Values: BARO: –1000 ~ +1000, ALTITUDE: –1000 ~ +1000Default: BARO: 0, ALTITUDE: 0SET M ODE I TEM 104: UNIT SELECTFunction: Select the measurement units of the Sensor Unit.Available Values: TEMP: °C / °F, BARO: hPa / mb / mmHg / inch, ALTITUDE: m / ftDefault: Depends on the transceiver versionSET M ODE I TEM 105: VFO MODEFunction: Selects or disables the VFO band edge limiting for the current band.Available Values: ALL / BANDDefault: BANDALL: When the VFO frequency reaches the high edge of the current band, the VFOfrequency will jump to the low band edge of the next band (or vice versa).BAND: When the VFO frequency reaches the high band edge of the current band, theVFO frequency will jump to the low band edge of the current band (or vice versa).SET M ODESET M ODE S ELECTION D ETAILS