VX-8R O PERATING M ANUAL1381: ANTENNA AM2: ANTENNA FM3: ANTENNA ATT4: APO5: ARTS BEEP6: ARTS INTERVAL7: BANK LINK8: BANK NAME9: BCLO10: BEEP EDGE11: BEEP LEVEL12: BEEP MELODY13: BEEP SELECT14: BELL RINGER15: BELL SELECT16: BLUETOOTH P-CODE17: BLUETOOTH SET18: BUSY LED19: CH COUNTER20: CLOCK SHIFT21: CW ID22: CW LEARNING23: CW PITCH24: CW TRAINING25: DC VOLTAGE26: DCS CODE27: DCS INVERSION28: DTMF DELAY29: DTMF MANUAL/AUTO30: DTMF SELECT31: DTMF SPEED32: EAI33: EAI TIME34: EMERGENCY SELECT35: EXTENDED MENU36: FW KEY HOLD TIME37: HALF DEVIATION38: HOME VFO39: HOME/REVERSE40: INT MANUAL/AUTO41: INTERNET42: INTERNET CODE43: INTERNET KEY44: INTERNET MODE45: INTERNET SELECT46: LAMP47: LANGUAGE48: LCD CONTRAST49: LCD DIMMER50: LED LIGHT51: LOCK52: MEMORY FAST STEP53: MEMORY NAME54: MEMORY PROTECTSET M ODESelect the antenna to be used in the AM Broadcast listening.Select the antenna to be used in the FM Broadcast listening.Enables/Disables the receiver Front-end Attenuator.Setting of the Automatic Power-Off time.Select the Beep option during ARTS TM operation.Select the Polling Interval during ARTS TM operation.Enables/Disables the Memory Bank Link Scan.Stores Alpha-Numeric “Tag” for the Memory Bank.Enables/disables the Busy Channel Lock-Out feature.Enables/disables the Band-edge beeper while selecting the frequency by the DIAL knob.Adjust the Beep volume level.Create the Beep Melody for Bell ringer function.Enables/Disables the keypad beeper.Selects the number of Bell ringer repetitions.Enables/Disables the Bell ringer function and its sound selection.Pairing the Bluetooth® unit and setting the Pin Code.Select the operating mode of the optional BH-1/BH-2 Bluetooth® Headset.Enables/Disables the BUSY LED while the squelch is open.Selects the Channel Counter Search Width.Shifting of CPU clock frequency.Program and activate the CW Identifier (used during ARTS TM operation).Enables/Disables the CW Learning feature.Select the CW tone pitch for the CW Learning, CW Training, and CW Identifier functions.Enables/Disables the CW Training feature.Indicates the DC Supply Voltage.Setting of the DCS code.Enables/Disables the “Inverted” DCS tone.Selects the DTMF Autodialer Delay Time.Enables/Disables the DTMF Autodial feature.Programming of the DTMF Autodialer.Selects the DTMF Autodialer Sending Speed.Enables/Disables the Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) feature.Sets the Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) operating mode and its transmit time.Select the alarms utilized when the Emergency function is engaged.Enables/Disables the extended Set Mode Menu.Set the duration that a secondary function of the [F/W] key (press and holding the [F/W] key)is held determines the function they activate.Reducing the Deviation level by 50 %.Enables/Disables the function of the VFO DIAL knob, while in the Home Channel mode.Selects the primary function of the [H/M] key (press the [H/M] key).Enables/Disables the DTMF Autodialer feature while operating using the Internet Connec-tion feature (WIRES TM).Enables/Disables the Internet Connection feature (WIRES TM ).Selects the Access Number (DTMF digit) for the SRG operation of the Internet Connectionfeature (WIRESTM ).Selects the primary function of the [INTERNET] key.Selects the operating mode of the Internet Connection feature (WIRES TM).Programming of the Access Number (DTMF code) for the FRG station of the WIRES TM (ornon WIRESTM Internet Link System) access.Selects the LCD/Keypad Lamp mode.Selects the language for the Set Mode selections.Setting of the Display contrast level.Setting of the Display brightness level.Illuminates the white LED light continuously (useful as emergency flashlight at night).Selects the Control Locking lockout combination.Selects the channel step for the fast channel selection mode while in the Memory Recallmode.Stores “Alpha-Numeric” tags for the Memory channels.Enables/Disables the Memory Write Protector.SET M ODE I TEM FUNCTIONBAR & EXT / BAR ANTENNAEXT ANTENNA / EARPHONEON / OFF0.5hour - 12.0hour / OFFIN RANGE / ALWAYS / OFF15sec / 25sec----ON / OFFON / OFFLEVEL 1 - LEVEL 9 (LEVEL 5)--KEY & SCAN / KEY / OFFOFF / 1Time - 20Time / CONTINUOUSOFF / BELL /USER BP1 / USER BP2 / USER BP30000 - 9999 (6111)VOX: PTT / HIGH / LOW,MODE: MONO / STEREO,SAVE: ON / OFFPOWR: ON / OFFON / OFF±5 MHz / ±10 MHz / ±50 MHz / ±100 MHzON / OFF----400 - 1000 Hz (50 Hz/step) (700 Hz)----104 standard DCS codes (DCS 023)RX-NORMAL, TX-NORMAL /RX-INVERT, TX-NORMAL /RX-BOTH, TX-NORMAL /RX-NORMAL, TX-INVERT /RX-INVERT, TX-INVERT /RX-BOTH, TX-INVERT50ms / 250ms / 450ms / 750ms / 1000msMANUAL / AUTO--50ms / 100msON / OFFINT 1M ~ INT 9M / INT10M / INT15M /INT20M / INT30M / INT40M / INT50M /COM 1M ~ COM 9M / COM10M /COM15M / COM20M / COM30M /COM40M / COM50M (COM 5M)BEEP / STROBE / BEEP&STROBE /BEAM / BEEP&BEAM / CW / BEEP&CW /CW-ID TX SON / OFFFW0.3sec / FW0.5sec / FW0.7sec /FW1.0sec / FW1.5secON / OFFDISABLE / ENABLEHOME / REVMANUAL / AUTOON / OFFDTMF 0 ~ DTMF F(DTMF 1)INTERNET / INTERNET SELECT /SET MODEFRG / SRG--KEY 2sec - KEY10sec / CONTINUOUS /OFF (KEY 5sec)ENGLISH / JAPANESELEVEL 1 ~ LEVEL32 (LEVEL24)LEVEL 1 ~ LEVEL 4--KEY / DIAL / KEY&DIAL / PTT / KEY&PTT /DIAL&PTT / ALL10CH / 20CH / 50CH / 100CH--ON / OFFAVAILABLE VALUES(DEFALT: BOLD ITALIC)