LOWR Lower unit6-31 6C13G11Removing the lower unit1. Drain the gear oil.2. Set the gear shift to the neutral position,and place a block of wood between theanti-cavitation plate and propeller to keepthe propeller from turning, and thenremove the propeller nut and propeller.WARNING• Do not hold the propeller with yourhands when loosening or tightening it.• Be sure to disconnect the battery leadsfrom the battery and the clip from theengine stop lanyard switch.• Put a block of wood between the anti-cavitation plate and propeller to keepthe propeller from turning.3. Disconnect the speedometer hose 1.4. Mark the trim tab 2 at the area shown,and then remove it.5. Loosen the bolts (nuts), and then removethe lower unit from the upper case.È X-transom modelRemoving the water pump and shiftrod1. Remove the water pump assembly andshift rod assembly 1.