6C13G11 7-501234567892. Connect the digital circuit tester betweenpower trim and tilt relay terminals 2 and3.3. Connect the light green (Lg) lead to thepositive battery terminal and the black(B) lead to the negative battery terminalas shown.4. Check for continuity between terminals2 and 3. Replace if there is no continu-ity.5. Connect the digital circuit tester betweenpower trim and tilt relay terminals 1 and3.6. Connect the sky blue (Sb) lead to thepositive battery terminal and the black(B) lead to the negative battery terminalas shown.7. Check for continuity between terminals1 and 3. Replace if there is no continu-ity.Checking the power trim and tiltswitch1. Check the power trim and tilt switch forcontinuity. Replace if out of specification.Lead colorSwitchpositionSky blue(Sb) Red (R) Light green(Lg)UpFreeDownTilt cylinder and trim cylinder / Power trim and tilt electrical system