Components20F2.5AF4B, F5A, F6CEMU43582Fuel tank (portable fuel tank) (F4B,F5A, F6C)This model can be equipped with an optionalportable fuel tank.The type of portable fuel tank that the out-board motor can use is different depending onthe shape of the fuel joint on the outboard mo-tor.If the outboard motor is equipped with the fueljoint “A”, the outboard motor can use only theportable fuel tank “A”.The parts of the fuel tank are as follows.WARNINGEWM00020The fuel tank supplied with this engine isits dedicated fuel reservoir and must notbe used as a fuel storage container. Com-mercial users should conform to relevantlicensing or approval authority regula-tions.Fuel tank capThis cap seals the fuel tank. When removed,the tank can be filled with fuel. To remove thecap, turn it counterclockwise.Air vent screwThis screw is on the fuel tank cap. To loosenthe screw, turn it counterclockwise.1. Air vent screw2. Fuel tank cap3. Built-in fuel tank1. Air vent screw2. Fuel tank cap3. Built-in fuel tank312ZMU07357ZMU067171231. Fuel joint1. Air vent screw2. Fuel gauge3. Fuel joint4. Fuel tank capZMU074991È3 24 1ÈZMU07500