Maintenance74NOTICEECM02551 Do not place the outboard motor on itsside before the cooling water hasdrained from it completely. Otherwise,water may enter the cylinder through theexhaust valve and cause engine trouble. Transport and store the outboard motoras specified in “Transporting/Dismount-ing the outboard motor”. Store the outboard motor in a dry, well-ventilated place, not in direct sunlight.EMU28305ProcedureEMU43031Flushing in a test tankNOTICEECM00301Before starting the engine, make sure tosupply water to the cooling water passag-es. Otherwise, the engine could overheatand be damaged.Cooling system flushing is essential to pre-vent the cooling system from clogging up withsalt, sand, or dirt. In addition, fogging/lubricat-ing of the engine is mandatory to prevent ex-cessive engine damage due to rust. Performthe flushing and fogging at the same time.F2.5A1. Wash the outboard motor body usingfresh water. NOTICE: Do not spray wa-ter into the air intake. [ECM01840] For furtherinformation, see page 78.2. Place the fuel cock in the closed position.Tighten the air vent screw on the fuel tankcap.3. Remove the top cowling and silencercover.4. Remove the propeller. For further infor-mation, see page 89.5. Install the outboard motor on the testtank.6. Fill the tank with fresh water to above thelevel of the anti-cavitation plate. NOTICE:If the fresh water level is below the lev-el of the anti-cavitation plate, or if thewater supply is insufficient, engineseizure may occur. [ECM00291]7. Run the engine at a fast idle for a fewminutes in neutral position. WARNING!Do not touch or remove electricalparts when starting or during opera-tion. Keep hands, hair, and clothesaway from the flywheel and other ro-tating parts while the engine is run-ning. [EWM00091]8. Just prior to turning off the engine, quicklyspray “Fogging Oil” into the carburetor.When properly done, the engine willsmoke excessively and almost stall.9. If “Fogging Oil” is not available, run theengine at a fast idle until the fuel systemempties and the engine stops.10. Loosen the air vent screw by one turn.Place the fuel cock in the open position.11. Remove the grommet. Place a containerunder the carburetor drain hole to catchthe gasoline, and then loosen the drainscrew.1. Water surface2. Lowest water level