Components21Fuel jointThis joint is used to connect the fuel line.Fuel gaugeThis gauge is located on either the fuel tankcap or on the fuel joint base. It shows the ap-proximate amount of fuel remaining in thetank.If the outboard motor is equipped with the fueljoint “B”, the outboard motor can use only theportable fuel tank “B”.This fuel tank conforms to Evaporative Emis-sions Regulations for marine fuel systems en-acted by the US Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA).The parts of the fuel tank are as follows.WARNINGEWM00020The fuel tank supplied with this engine isits dedicated fuel reservoir and must notbe used as a fuel storage container. Com-mercial users should conform to relevantlicensing or approval authority regula-tions.Fuel jointThis joint is used to connect the fuel line.Fuel gaugeThis gauge shows the approximate amount offuel remaining in the fuel tank.Pressure relief tabThis tab is attached to the filler hole of the fueltank.Fuel tank capThis cap seals the fuel tank. To loosen thecap, press and hold the pressure relief taband turn the cap counterclockwise.Air vent screwThis screw is on the fuel tank cap. When turn-ing the air vent screw counterclockwise, it isloosened and the pressure in the fuel tank isreleased to a certain pressure. Air is allowedto enter the fuel tank while operating the en-gine.EMU42990Fuel cockF2.5AThe fuel cock turns on and off the supply offuel from the fuel tank to the engine.1. Fuel joint1. Fuel jointZMU075031ÉZMU075042 4 5313É2. Fuel gauge3. Pressure relief tab4. Fuel tank cap5. Air vent screw