8-8Jet needle adjustmentAdjust the jet needle by changing its clip position accord-ing to the setting chart which is available at a Yamahadealer.CD-03E1. Remove the top cover of the carburetor and jet nee-dle.2. Change the clip to the proper position. Make surethat the plastic washer is in place below the clip.WARNING@Make sure that the throttle outer cable is firmlyseated in the holder and the throttle operatessmoothly after assembling the carburetor.@3. Assemble by reversing the removal steps.Main jet replacementReplace the main jet according to the setting chart whichis available at a Yamaha dealer.WARNING@ Never remove the drain plug or the float chamberwhile the engine is hot. Fuel will flow out from thefloat chamber which could ignite and causeinjury. Place a rag under the carburetor before removingthe drain plug or float chamber to catch anyspilled fuel. Handle fuel with care: it is HIGHLY FLAMMABLE.@Standard jet needle clip 1 position:3rd groove from upper endClip position Mixture Condition2 Upper end Lean Warm weatherHigh altitude3 Lower end Rich Cold weatherLow altitude