INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-233Rebound damping forceTo increase the rebound damping forceand thereby harden the rebound damp-ing, turn the adjusting screw on eachfork leg in direction (a). To decrease therebound damping force and therebysoften the rebound damping, turn theadjusting screw on each fork leg in di-rection (b).Compression damping forceTo adjust the compression dampingforce (for fast compression damping)To increase the compression dampingforce and thereby harden the compres-sion damping, turn the adjusting bolt oneach fork leg in direction (a). To de-crease the compression damping forceand thereby soften the compressiondamping, turn the adjusting bolt oneach fork leg in direction (b).1. Current setting2. Front fork collarSpring preload setting:Minimum (soft):0Standard:2Maximum (hard):51. Rebound damping force adjusting screwRebound damping setting:Minimum (soft):25 click(s) in direction (b)*Standard:20 click(s) in direction (b)*Maximum (hard):1 click(s) in direction (b)** With the adjusting screw fully turnedin direction (a)1. Compression damping force adjusting bolt(for fast compression damping)