PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT6-376EAU44940Auxiliary lightThis model is equipped with an LED-type auxiliary light.If the auxiliary light does not come on,have a Yamaha dealer check it.EAU24350Supporting the motorcycleSince this model is not equipped with acenterstand, follow these precautionswhen removing the front and rearwheel or performing other maintenancerequiring the motorcycle to stand up-right. Check that the motorcycle is in astable and level position before startingany maintenance. A strong woodenbox can be placed under the engine foradded stability.To service the front wheel1. Stabilize the rear of the motorcycleby using a motorcycle stand or, ifan additional motorcycle stand isnot available, by placing a jack un-der the frame in front of the rearwheel.2. Raise the front wheel off theground by using a motorcyclestand.To service the rear wheelRaise the rear wheel off the ground byusing a motorcycle stand or, if a motor-cycle stand is not available, by placinga jack either under each side of theframe in front of the rear wheel or undereach side of the swingarm.1. Auxiliary light