INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-273EAU38961Luggage strap holdersThere are six luggage strap holders,four on the bottom of the passengerseat and one on each passenger foot-rest. To use the luggage strap holderson the passenger seat, remove thepassenger seat, unhook the strapsfrom the hooks, and then install theseat with the straps hanging out fromunder the passenger seat. (See page3-20.)EAU41940EXUP systemThis model is equipped with Yamaha’sEXUP (EXhaust Ultimate Power valve)system. This system boosts enginepower by means of a valve that regu-lates the diameter of the exhaust pipe.The EXUP system valve is constantlyadjusted in accordance with the enginespeed by a computer-controlled servo-motor.NOTICEECA15610The EXUP system has been set andextensively tested at the Yamahafactory. Changing these settingswithout sufficient technical knowl-edge may result in poor perfor-mance of or damage to the engine.1. Luggage strap holder2. Hook1. Luggage strap holder