User Guide for T5 Series IP Phones90"([1-9])([2-7])3" would match "923", "153", "773", etc.$The “$” should be followed by the sequence number of a parenthesis. The “$”plus the sequence number means the whole character or characters placed inthe parenthesis. The number directs to the right parenthesis when there aremore than one. Example:A replace rule configuration, Prefix: "001(xxx)45(xx)", Replace: "9001$145$2".When you dial out "0012354599" on your phone, the IP phone will replace thenumber with "90012354599". “$1” means 3 digits in the first parenthesis, thatis, “235”. “$2” means 2 digits in the second parenthesis, that is, “99”.NoteConfiguring the Replace RuleConfiguring a replace rule can speed up the pace of dialing out a long number. You canconfigure up to 100 replace rules, a pattern(s) with wildcards (refer to the expression syntax inthe table above), so that any string that matches the pattern(s) will be replaced. For example, areplace rule is configured as “prefix: 1” and “replace: 1234”, when you try to dial out the number“1234”, you just need to enter “1” on the phone and then press the Send soft key.Adding a Replace RuleProcedure:1. Click Settings->Dial Plan->Replace Rule.2. Enter the string (for example, 1) in the Prefix field.3. Enter the string (for example, 1234) in the Replace field.4. Enter the desired line ID in the Account field or leave it blank.The IP phone supports a new dial plan mechanism – digit map. Digit maps are defined by a singlestring or a list of strings. If a number you dial matches any string of a digit map, the call isautomatically placed.Note that if digit map feature is enabled, the old dial plan rules (described in this chapter) will beignored. For more information, contact your system administrator.