Customizing Your Phone77DSS KeysThere are three types of DSS keys: Line Keys, Programmable Keys and Ext Keys. Ext Keys are onlyavailable when the EXP50 is connected to IP phone. For more information on how to configurethe Ext Keys, refer to Assigning the Features for Ext Keys. Details are introduced in the following:Phone Model Line Keys Programmable KeysSIP-T54S 27 13SIP-T52S 21 11Line KeysYou can assign predefined functionalities to line keys as well as define a label for a line key. Linekeys allow you to quickly access features, such as recall and voice call, and monitor a specific linewhen the line keys are assigned with particular features, such as BLF. The default line key type isLine or N/A (meaning that this line key provides no functionality until being configured). Theline keys can be indicated on three pages.Details are introduced in the following:Phone ModuleKey Type Pages DisplayLine N/A First Second ThirdSIP-T54S 1-16 17-27 1-9 10-18 19-27SIP-T52S 1-12 13-21 1-7 8-14 15-21The following figure shows an example on the SIP-T54S IP phone when assigning functionalityto line keys located in line key 1-10, the labels of line keys are indicated on the first page.